Yasar Arafath
Emirates Rehabilitation & Home care, UAE
Title: Home care physiotherapy of hypoxic acquired brain injury: Case report
Biography: Yasar Arafath
Home care physiotherapy of hypoxic acquired brain injury: Case report Aim: The purpose of this case report is to describe the home care pediatric physiotherapy for a 5 year old hypoxic acquired brain injured child. Case Description: This case involved a 5 years old child with hypoxic acquired brain injury was undertaken for physiotherapy at home for 8 weeks post medical management in hospital. Intervention: The therapy intervention was implemented to improve the arousal and to regain the gross motor functional activities through neuro developmental techniques. Task oriented positional release technique for the elongation of trunk and limb muscles, static & dynamic balance training and Gait training were given vice versa. Result: The post intervention revealed drastic differences in the scores of Paediatric Glasgow Coma Scale (PGCS) & GMFM 88. The goals were achieved in short period of rehabilitation about 56 days. Conclusion: This case report is used to demonstrate the neuro developmental techniques which are essential in speeding up the functional recovery of a child with hypoxic acquired brain injury. Implication: This case report can be used to demonstrate the flow of physiotherapy in children with hypoxic acquired brain injury.