Gerold Ebenbichler
Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Gerold Ebenbichler is a Research Associate Professor and Senior Clinical Specialist at the University Department of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Occupational Medicine, Vienna Medical University and General Hospital of Vienna, Austria. He has received his MD form the University of Innsbruck in 1991 and performed his Doctoral Thesis at the University Department of Neurology (1998-1991), University of Vienna. After the completion of his residency, he spent a research fellowship awarded by the Austrian Science Foundation at the Neuro-Muscular Research Center, Boston University in 1999 and 2000. Thereafter he was appointed as a clinical specialist at the rehabilitation hospital Weisser Hof in 2001. His research focuses on the rehabilitation related physiology and pathophysiology of neuromuscular functioning and health as well as the evaluation of treatment effects of physical medical and rehabilitative interventions. He is a peer reviewer for several major biomedical journals related to Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. He serves as an associate editor to the Journal of Neuro-engineering and Rehabilitation and as an editorial board member to the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He is also the section editor for continuous medical education to the Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.